David P Perlmutter

Write to Kill

Write To Kill is an interesting take on a crime novel, with the reader experiencing things from an amateur murderer's point of view.

An aspiring author turns to murder to subsidise his writing but gets a story to boot. The problem is, can he keep under the police radar as he writes word for word all that happens during this gangland killing?

To find out, you will have to read the book!

David P Perlmutter

David P Perlmutter lives in London, England. He is the very proud father of four children and has two grandsons.

It was while living in Portugal several years ago, that David started to write his first book, Wrong Place Wrong Time as a blog, but a friend, and then editor, who read the first couple of chapters, told him it was too good for a blog, it must be a book. Since then this book has become a #1 BESTSELLER on Amazon with thousand’s of 5* reviews and has been traditionally published. It is also now in development to be made into a movie, backed by a powerful production team in the shape of Golden Mile Productions and No Reservations Entertainment, and including Bafta award-winning executive producer Mark Foligno, from films such as The King’s Speech and Moon .

David’s second book, Five Weeks, is another true story about his trip to America during which he was almost left for dead in a Pennsylvanian wood. His third book is called 24 Hours In New York about his failed attempt to ‘make it big’ in America. David’s fourth book is another true story, 13, highlights four major events of his life when he turned 13.

Apart from writing, David spends a lot of time promoting authors across the world on his social media platforms and his blog, which has achieved over ONE MILLION page views, https://davidpperlmutter.blogspot.com/2020/08/read-first-three-chapters-of-write-to.html…

David has also written eight books on marketing for the indie author in his My Way brand, which can be found on Amazon.

David enjoys engaging with his 85,000 plus followers on X @davepperlmutter and invites all his readers to join him there in ‘conversation’. 
