Wayne Griffiths

The Adventures of Grandad and His Special Little Grandson

Grandad and his Special Little Grandson are called upon to help a small farming village whose fields and crops were burnt by an angry dragon. Our two heroes have to trek to a mountain and climb it to find the dragon's lair before they confront him.

Wayne Griffiths

I was born in 1957 in Gibraltar I'm 65 soon to be 66 I'm married to Andrea we've been together over 36years now. We have two grown up children and three beautiful grandchildren and another one on the way. I've spent nearly all my working life as an engineer. The Adventures of Grandad and his special little grandson The Tale of the angry Dragon came about from me making up bedtime stories for my grandson, The angry Dragon was the first story I made up my grandson loved it. My wife and younger sister convinced me to write it down. I got a few rejections before a publisher took me on. I have more adventures for Grandad and his special little grandson written which need editing before being sent into my publishers. I enjoy writing children's stories, I have read The angry Dragon at a couple of schools to children aged between 5 and 10 years, it really is a wonderful feeling when as you are reading to see them enjoying it.