Nancy Hartman Minor

From the Back of a Donkey

FTBOAD is a positive take on an old biblical tale. Arguably, the biblical tale: Mary's journey back to Bethlehem to give birth to Jesus.

In Minor's version, Mary is over the moon about being pregnant, about getting married and about going home. This positivity means the read would be good for the younger generation.

Minor's enthusiasm and love for God and Christ shine forth and make this a joyous read. Well-versed in the bible, the author ends each chapter with further readings from the bible and relevant chapters and verses.

The very positivity that makes it a perfect introduction for youngsters to the story of the birth of Jesus as in a nativity scene will make it a no-go for the older generation who are all too familiar with the tale. Minor's Mary reads like a modern-day American teenager who is stoked about getting knocked up out of wedlock. Of being a gushing bride and marrying Joseph in a love match. We would all like to believe this was the case.