John Z. Pigeon

Self Help Trash Pigeons

Anyone who suffers with depression, will immediately resonate with Junior. Junior is a pigeon whose life is chaotic and most of the time he feels like he is not in control of anything as he flies from one distaster to the next.
There is no 'plot' as such, instead a biography of someone who is going through dark times.

John Z. Pigeon

Seven years ago, John Z. was a modified pile of fat, meat, bones and muscle. He was very ill.
His illness was depression.
Today, John Z. is a middle-aged forestry engineer graduate working on the sustainable development of forest ecosystems, the EU Habitats Directive, the EU Birds Directive, the conservation of habitat biodiversity, the marking of white-tailed eagles, the protection of rare black poplars in the area of the eastern course of the Danube River in Croatia.
When he gets home, he takes off his green suit, takes a shower and has lunch.
Then he becomes a father, husband and a friend.
John Z. really likes weekends and closed private parties with loud punk-rock music and people having fun to the point they can make each other happy. He always remains the last guest at the party. That is simply who John Z. is…
On Sundays, he enjoys family lunches, especially in quiet, fine restaurants.
On regular days, after work, he mostly mows the grass, cuts the hedges, grows fennel and feeds his pigeons. However, even on those ordinary days, he very often puts on Bluetooth headphones, turns up the volume to the max and dances covered in sweat… to “Gimme danger”…
People, you know what I'm talking about.
Life is… such an effing trip.
Contact for those with an open mind: @trashpige0ns or @silent_pige0n.
It doesn't matter which profile ... I'm hiding behind it.